December 2022
July 2022
April 2022
March 2022
February 2022
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
August 2020
July 2020
- Read this if you’re afraid of becoming too big and bulky once you start lifting weights.
- I learned everything there is to know about motivation by (repeatedly) inflating an obnoxiously large swimming pool.
April 2020
March 2020
December 2019
- The only thing dumber than making a New Year's resolution is not making a New Year's resolution.
- Why worrying about getting fat during the holiday season makes less sense than TikTok.
- The most reliable way to prevent unwanted fat gain during the holidays.
October 2019
- If you struggle with late night eating, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from CarrotCrammage™.
- It's called the halo effect. And it's why you aren't eating as healthy as you think you are.
September 2019
- Everything you need to know about fat burning supplements (in one sentence).
- What we can learn about "body love" from Francesca's (formerly Franco's) cryogenically frozen frankfurter. (Or, why you SHOULDN'T love your body.)
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
- I'm a new dad. Time is tighter than Mary Magdalene. Here's how I'm juggling baby and barbell.
- It's called the authority bias. And it's why I let him stick it in my mouth.
February 2019
- It's called Godfather Gambling. And it's what you need if you're doubting your potential or your genetics.
- The next time you have the urge to snack, remember these words.
- Are you wondering WHY you want to build a better body? If so, stop. Now. Because you're wasting your time (and lying to yourself).
December 2018
- The NUMERO UNO muscle building mistake skinny-fat dudes make. (OR MAYBE IT WAS JUST ME. YEAH. IT WAS PROBABLY JUST ME. FUUUDDDGGGEEEEE.)
- Can skinny-fat dudes gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time? Are recompositions possible?
- Intuitive eating is nonsense. I'd rather let Stevie Wonder build my newborn's crib.
- The ONE thing every skinny-fat dude should have started doing yesterday. (Starts with "resistance." Ends with "training." Wait. Did I say too much?)
November 2018
- If you're skinny-fat and you wanna lose fat WITHOUT losing muscle, then you need to make sure you're eating enough of THIS.
- What skinny-fat dudes should know about their genetics. (Bring some tissues. And a shotgun.)
October 2018
July 2018
June 2018
March 2018
- The 5 Skinny-Fat Commandments: What every skinny-fat guy should be doing before sweating over whether or not to bulk or cut
- Eat Nature's food. But don't eat NATURAL foods. Make sense? Probably not. I'm making it confusing on purpose. Read this.
February 2018
- If you’re a skinny-fat dude trying to lose fat, do THIS to avoid metabolic damage (and muscle loss).
- Why noobs need to track their food intake. (Or, only clamjams claim that you don't have to count calories.)
- Lemme tell you a SECRET about meal frequency and meal timing that's not really a secret, just something I think you should whatever about something
- The skin-crawling reason you shouldn't eat peanut butter.
- If you're trying to find out how many calories you burn and how many calories you eat, make sure you read this first. There's one goofy thing you need to know. Just kidding. There isn't one goofy thing. There are many non-goofy things. But that's what headlines are all about. Baiting you in, you know? This is taking up a gaudy amount of space.
- The second important (but boring) nutrition principle every skinny-fat noob should know: drink water
- The first important (but boring) nutrition principle every skinny-fat noob should know: eat Mother Nature's food
January 2018
November 2017
- if you're trying to "Lose Weight" then you're going to wreck yourself before you check yourself
- How much WEIGHT do you have to LIFT in order to BUILD muscle?
- Why counting calories is a game for idiots that are... idiotic. Pretend this sentence is a yo mamma joke, I'm out to offend.
October 2017
July 2017
- the "WYSAITI" issue.
- MUSCLE, A MENTAL MODEL. (if you have the attention span of a kumquat, don't read this.)
- Using this TRIGGER is how you CONVINCE your body to build MORE muscle mass oh geez CAPS LOCK sure is FUN and EXCITING
April 2017
- Use this unorthodox "cutting" technique to spot reduce body fat (immediately).
- This "one-two punch" is the secret to getting toned and defined like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.
March 2017
February 2017
December 2016
- Why skinny-fat dudes shouldn't bench press... (and what exercise they should do instead).
- Is (who you think you are) getting in the way of (who you can become)? YES. IT. IS. Now read this and find out why.
October 2016
- One of the biggest reasons why people fail to change their behaviors. (And the simple fix.)
- What is intermittent fasting? Why is it so popular?
- If you don't have motivation, then you need this to help you get shit done
September 2016
- It's called the Lindy effect. And it's why old reliable things are better than new shiny things.
- Why models are the most important thing you DON'T have
- Why healing an injury takes more than a phoenix down
- Stop thinking about the things you need to do. It's better to think about __________. FILL IN THE BLANKS, OHHHH FUN!
- I want to lose fat, build muscle, and get in better shape. I know what I need to do, but I can't find the motivation. Help?
- What is skinny-fat syndrome? How do I know if I'm skinny-fat?
- Use this stupid simple recipe to make healthy french fries you'll never want to stop eating.
August 2016
- Can eating less make you gain weight? And damage your metabolism?
- Why gravity and grandmas are the secret to building more muscle
- Why machine training is bologna if you want to build muscle
February 2016
January 2016
November 2015
September 2015
- General organism strength: the what and the why
- Strength + Performance + Physique ... the beginning of a mental model
- A silly story about gravity, adaptation
August 2015
- Why gravity (not milk) makes strong bones
- Meet Gertrude
- Common mistakes made with stimulation, supply, and soul (and the monster in the closet)
- Domain dependence and the 4 S's of environment
- The one and only recipe to hijack your body's biological fitness
- How eating less made these people fat (and other lessons gleaned from starving a fetus)
- Why your body is making you weak, immobile, and fat...on purpose
July 2015
- Your genetics are junk
- I have a secret
- The most important stuff I've learned in the past 15 years - an introduction
May 2015
- Juggling goals: losing fat, building muscle, bettering bodyweight skills, becoming athletic
- A small (but effective) cheat code to help you become motivated
April 2015
February 2015
- My grandma, $2 bills, and calories
- How is everyone driving a car?
- "Fuck you" capacity
- On willpower and maggots
- Narcissim of a different color
- How I juggle training with work and girls and other passions
- The Promethean v. the Epimethean
- Focus on the phenomenon, not the phenomenology
December 2014
- The Airing of Grievances comes before the Feats of Strength
- First vegetarian student, 20 week progress pictures
- Stop doing repetitions
November 2014
- Building a Jedi Mind to use Force Gains
- The "Can I Get Worse?" Philosophy
- On hardware and software
- A thingy for knee pain (I'm using like heroin)
October 2014
- Something about love handles I wish someone would have told me long ago.
- Try balancing romantic understanding with classic understanding
- How I Deadlifted 550 Pounds
September 2014
- Tackling strength and skill through an unconventional lens that is neither Soviet nor Bulgarian
- Can you build muscle with just bodyweight training?
- Decided to do cardio...and my life may never be the same
- Nassim Taleb on embracing small fires
- How to 540 Crescent / Cheat 720 Kick - A Written and Video Tricking Tutorial
August 2014
- How to Aerial - A Written and Video Tricking Tutorial
- Why healing injuries takes more than a phoenix down
- How to Tornado Kick - A Written and Video Tricking Tutorial
- Victual voodoo #4: eat something you hate every day
- How to 360 Crescent Kick - A Written and Video Tutorial
- Ask Ant #6: I'm afraid of squats and
July 2014
- Cage to King. What it Means to be a Brain in a Body.
- Victual voodoo #3: train your buds
- How to 540 Kick: A Written and Video Tutorial
- A lesson from the Nintendo [RESET] button
- Trick tip #1: know what happens to old clothes
- Chefery cheat code #2: use your opposite hand
- Ask Ant #5: I'm not skinny-fat...can I still follow your advice?
- Myelination: a primer on how skills are built
- Chow cheat code #1: use a bowl the size of your head
- How to Butterfly Twist: A Written and Video Tutorial
- Ask Ant #4: I just want to be lean, muscular, and
June 2014
- Antifragility: a primer on how your brain and body enjoy disorder
- Ask Ant #3: Does the Protein in My Rice Count?
- Ask Ant #2: I'm Tall, Thin Boned, and My Pressing Strength Sucks. Is There Hope?
- The IF Files: What Intermittent Fasting Is, What Intermittent Fasting Isn't
- Ask Ant #1: How to juggle strength training, gymnastics, and tricking
April 2014
- B3W - A program that fuses barbell and bodyweight training
- Combining barbell and bodyweight training: principles of fusion
- Is there a difference between barbell and bodyweight training?
- The basics of combining barbell and bodyweight training: qualifying context
- Trying to find the magic card
- The rules of exercise order of operations
- Training lesson from Goku and Gohan in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
- Louis CK on first world hunger and third world hunger
March 2014
- Listen to your whispers, save yourself some pain
- Either bred or bled
- Give yourself frequency or give yourself intensity
- Your best sessions come before illness
- A first glimpse at the movement matrix
- Tip: deadlift with a wider grip for better upper back, glute, and hamstring gains
- Chin-ups are for children
- Intermittent fasting = vehicle, not direction
February 2014
- XXXIV. My Treatise on Fixing Skinny-Fat Syndrome From Top to Bottom to Inside to Outside to Front to Back and Everything In Between. Yes, It's Absolutely a "TL;DR-er," So Get Your Bifocals Ready.
- XXXIII. Let's Hit The Reset Button: The Must Read Recap, and Calm Before the Storm
- XXXII. The Only Three Body Composition Tips That Always Apply
- XXXI. You Know Cookies Better Than You Know Your Body. (I Think That’s An Insult?)
- XXX. Does Context Matter More Than Calories? The Answer, From a Nut.
- XXIX. Gazing Into the Carbohydrate, Insulin, and Ketosis Abyss
- XXVIII. Skinny-Fat Supply and Fat Loss
- XXVII. Getting Back on Track
January 2014
- XXVI. Mainstream = Media = Motive = Money
- XXV. The Turf 'Bout Towning and Sixsks Packk Abs
- XXIV. But Mommy I Don't Wanna Be A Bodybuilder
- XXIII. The 8 Essential Exercises For the X Physique
- XXII. Stimulating to the Solid Base (and a Recap On the "Should I Bulk or Cut?" Quagmire)
- XXI. The Sticky Stimulation Situation of Skinny-Fat Syndrome
- XX. Mirror Mirror On the Wall, What's the Greatest "S" Of All?
- XIX. Rewiring the Flinch: Calories, Genetics, and The 4 S's
- XVIII. The Skinny-Fat Flinch
- XVII. Skinny-Fat Sparta: Let the Fear Bleed Out
- XVI. The ONE Thing That Creates a Skinny-Fat Body
- XV. Skinny-Fat Ain't Skinny
- XIV. What Makes Skinny-Fat Unique?
- XIII. Is Skinny-Fat Genetic? Is There Hope For Change?
- XII. What is Skinny-Fat Syndrome? Or a Skinny-Fat Ectomorph?
- XI. Do You Have Girl Boobs?
- X. Introduction to the Skinny-Fat Saga
- IX. Sight Beyond Sight
- How to build a garage gym that would make Vegeta jealous.
- VII. What Six Pack Abs REALLY Means (To Me, At Least)
- VI. Finite and Infinite Games
- V. The Saga Theory
- IV. The Backyard / Goonie Mindset
- III. Stuckness and Suckness
December 2013
- II. The Upper-Left Hand Brick
- I. The Introduction and Confusing Philosophical Meltdown
- It's a Trap! Musings on Ease, Consistent Progress, and Being Your Own Worst Enemy
- It's a Trap! Testosterone Boosting Sex Drive, Body of Marathoners vs. Sprinters, and Other Fitness Follies
- It’s a Trap! Stop Making These Fitness Mistakes, Part I
- The 3 Stages of Skinny-Fat Syndrome, Part II
- The 3 Stages Of Skinny-Fat Syndrome, Part I
November 2013
- Do the Work
- Sight Beyond Sight
- Is Your Back Whack? Here's the First Thing Skinny-Fat Sufferers Need to Know About Back Training (And Thus, Building an X Physique)
- The $2 Sleep Tip You Simply Can’t Ignore
October 2013
- Using Bones to Determine Worthy Exercises, Maximum Muscular Potential, and Rate of Progress (A Skinny-Fat Must Read)
- I Remember, I Don't Remember
- Down the Rabbit Hole: An Introduction to Allostasis, Emergence, and the Importance of Collecting Questions (or, Why I Don’t Know What I’m Talking About)
- Combining Barbell (With a Pseudo-Olympic Ethos) and Bodyweight (With a Pseudo-Gymnastics Ethos) Training: Waxing Some Necessary Philosophy and 2 Tips to Take Home (For Now)
- Handling Cardio for Sports (or CrossFit and HIIT's Energy System Mistake)
September 2013
- Energy System Need to Know: Clarifying the Cardio Confusion and the Fat Burning Conundrum
- A Trickster's Guide to Ankle Injuries and Strength
- How to Hack Time: Smarter, More Coordinated, and Better Results - No Time Necessary
- How to Use Stoic Singles to Increase Strength and Train More Often
August 2013
- A Rant: It's Not All About Calories, It's Not IIFYM, and It's Not A Short Article So You Better Like Reading
- 7 Fundamental Tips for Skinny-Fat Sufferers
- What Stories Are You Telling Yourself?
- Finding (or Creating) the Right Culture for You
July 2013
- Skills Aren't Pills
- How Bruce Lee Ruined the World (An Anecdote of Myofibrillar Hypertrophy, Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy, and Other Random Brain Flatulence)
- How To Strength Train and Do Whatever Else You Want Without Gnarling Into a Ball of Fatigue
June 2013
- Steal This Exercise: Panda Pulls From Chinese Olympic Weightlifters
- I Got 99 Problems But Paleo Ain't One
- 11 Training Tips for the Skinny-Fat Ectomorph Revisited
May 2013
- The Real Reason You Aren't Getting Results
- 9 Common Intermittent Fasting Mistakes
- 7 Crucial Training Lessons to Learn From The Chaos Theory
- Why Your Back Squats and Box Jumps Aren't Making You Athletic (or, How to Avoid Twisting Your Schwartz)
April 2013
- Shooting the Breeze With Frank Yang: A Talk of Aesthetics and Athletics
- How to Prevent Skinny-Fat Scars (AKA: Don't End Up Like Me)
- 7 Senzu Bean Recovery Methods
- Understanding Antifragility and Hormesis (Or, How to Not End Up Like the Leg Lamp in A Christmas Story)
- When to Add Weight to Bodyweight Exercises
March 2013
- How to Lucid Dream (And Why You'd Want To)
- 5 Rules of Rest Day Training
- 6 Recent Training Books I've Read
- Clean Bulk Fail #7: You're Using the Wrong Metrics
February 2013
- Clean Bulk Fail #6: You Don't Understand the Solid Base
- Clean Bulk Fail #5: You Aren't Eating Enough
- Clean Bulk Fail #4: You Think a Calorie Is Just a Calorie
- Clean Bulk Fail #3: You Don't Have Cojones
January 2013
- Clean Bulk Fail #2: You're Tuned Into The Wrong Training Station
- Clean Bulk Fail #1: You're Creating Training Noise
- Reasons Why Clean Bulks Fail
- Learning Muscle Building, Intermittent Fasting, and Tricking from a Modern Day Norse God
December 2012
- Recipe: Whey Protein Rice Pudding That'll Cream Your Jeans
- Does the Type of Carbohydrate Matter? Let's Ask My Flatulence
- 7 Sleep Tactics That Don’t Suck
- Unconventional Athletic Advice (That's Soon to Be Conventional)
- Neck Training Fit For a Neanderthal
November 2012
- Is Your Life Short Cutting Your Results?
- An Interview With The Vertical Jump Bible Creator, Kelly Baggett
- The Incredibly Long and Mildly Informative Guide to Whether or Not Olympic Lifts Should Anchor Your Training Program
- The Skinny on What The 40 Day Program and PLP Did to Skinny-Fat Syndrome
- Some Results and Q&A About Combining The 40 Day Program and the PLP Program
- Why and How I Combined The 40 Day Program and The PLP Program
October 2012
- How to Start Tricking in 10 Easy Steps
- How Strength Saved a Life That Modern Health and Fitness Woulda Killed
- Flies, Wasps, and Bears (OH MY), or Why Your 2 Pound Dumbbells Aren't Doing You Any Good
- How to build an x-physique: do these things, not those things
- 9 Things You Should Know Before Intermittent Fasting
- A Skinny-Fat Success Story
September 2012
- Skinny-Fatness, Hardgainers, and High Frequency Training
- Do You Have to Back Squat to Jump Higher? The Answer Might Surprise You
August 2012
- Keep Your Mind on Your Muscles and Your Muscles on Your Mind
- How I Gained (And Lost) 21.4 Pounds in 10 Days
- Kill Your Heroes and Own the Hell Out of Yourself
- The Northwood Program
- Muscle Imbalances Revealed - Creating a Foundation for Athleticism
- Get Your Glutes In Gear (Sample Program Inside)
July 2012
- What You Should Know About Motor Programming and Repatterning
- Muscle Imbalances, Generators, Connectedness, and 3 Tips to Clean up Athleticism
- Where Should You Feel the Barbell Row?
- Self Limiting for Prolonged Progress
- Getting Lean and Staying Muscular
- Mental Tricks for Physical Gains
June 2012
- The Cheat Day Survival Guide
- 3 Reminders for The Skinny-Fat Ectomorph
- The Best Damn Guide for Building Upper Chest Size and Strength
May 2012
- The Truth About Long Duration Extreme Isometrics
- Evosport and Extreme Long Duration Isometrics
- Intermittent Fasting for Athletes
- The X Physique Part I – What It Is, Why You Want It, And What You Should Know About It
- Oatmeal Volcano and Protein Pudding 101
- The Diet to End All Diets: Muscle Building, Fat Loss, and Easy Living Without the Calculator or Scale
April 2012
- How to Start Intermittent Fasting and Kick Hunger Aside
- How to become a handstand beast, a Gold Medal Bodies tutorial
- Become Superhuman - Learn How to Backflip in Less than Thirty Minutes
- Is Research Useless? Why Sitting Might Not Be Killing
- The Philosophy of the 242 Method (And How to Conquer Writers Block)
- The Origins of the 242 Method (Why Cheese is Like Exercise)
March 2012
February 2012
- Solutions for the Skinny Fat Ectomorph Part IV - Nutrition, Intermittent Fasting, Carb Cycling, and Hormones
- Solutions for the Skinny Fat Ectomorph Part III - Programming and Training
- Solutions for the Skinny Fat Ectomorph Part II - My Story
- An Interview With Former Trickster and Current Olympic Weightlifter, Clarence Kennedy
January 2012
- Solutions for the Skinny Fat Ectomorph Part I – The Basics
- Intermittent Fasting and High Repetition Breathing Squats
- What A Rejected Article Looks Like, and Why Your Thoracic Extensions and Hip Flexor Stretches Are Wrong
- Two Deep Squatting Tips and My 20 Rep Squat Experiment
- The Problems With Getting Jacked, Strong, and Athletic
- What Quadrant Athlete Are You?
December 2011
- Can We Stop With the Prowler Suicides?
- Beast Mode Training
- Lessons From Mike Webster
- How to Bench 400 Pounds (Not What You Think)
November 2011
- Easy Strength: A Review
- The Holidays – Training Strategies for a Hedonist
- One Exercise You HAVE to Be Doing
- How to Cure Snapping Hip Syndrome
October 2011
- You're Making a Huge Mistake in Your Training Programs
- A Tribute to Jon Call, AKA Jujimufu
- The True Meaning of Tricking - How to Use Failure
- Why Training for Muscle Year Round Might Kill Your Gains
September 2011
- Strength Imbalances Put to Rest - Why Great Athletes are Imbalanced
- Athlete Training - How Strong Do I Need To Be, and Is There Strong Enough?
- How to Gauge Progression and Abilities - The Football Theory of Life
- Lifting Everyday – How to Return from High Frequency Lifting Programs
- Why Your Mind is Holding You Back - Stop Thinking, See Progress
August 2011
- Are You Just Being Lazy? Some Dirt on "Rest" Days
- Train Everyday, Unless You Want to Fail
- Stop Being a Sissy - 5 Ways to Ensure Effort
July 2011
- Fix Your Squat: How to Track Properly
- Why Goals Are Useless, and How to Set Yourself Up For Success
- The Second Best Stretch You're Not Doing
- Why Olympic Lifting For Athletes Isn't As Good As It Sounds
- 5 Random Thoughts – Injuries, Beliefs, and Old Memories
- The Infamous Clean Bulk – How to Gain Muscle Without Looking Like a Poster Boy for Krispy Kreme
- Why You Need To Rethink Your Training
- How to Prevent a Career Ending Knee Injury
June 2011
- An Awesome Hip Warm Up and Diagnostic Exercise, And Some Information About Hip Clicking
- Path to Painless Knees - Fixing Hip Extension
- Why You're Doing Unilateral Work Wrong
May 2011
- Random Thought: Try. Fail. Adapt. Repeat.
- 3 Steps to Fix Hip Extension - How to Fix Your Knees
- An Interview With Tricking Legend Vellu Saarela
- Some Useful Indicator Lifts (Voice Your Opinion)
- Training for the Aesthetically Inclined Athlete
April 2011
- Addressing Psychological Needs for Continual Success
- Can Correcting Strength Imbalances Cause Injury? Part III
- Can Correcting Strength Imbalances Cause Injury? Part II
- Can Correcting Strength Imbalances Cause Injury? Part I
- The Down Low on Gymnastic Exercises - An Interview