Lemme tell you a SECRET about meal frequency and meal timing that’s not really a secret, just something I think you should whatever about something
The first important (but boring) nutrition principle every skinny-fat noob should know: eat Mother Nature’s food
Why you SHOULDN’T listen to your body (unless you want to be an obese nerf herder with a criminal record).
Why counting calories is a game for idiots that are… idiotic. Pretend this sentence is a yo mamma joke, I’m out to offend.
These two things are preventing you from building more muscleeeeee ahhhhhh (insert more fear tactics here)
Using this TRIGGER is how you CONVINCE your body to build MORE muscle mass oh geez CAPS LOCK sure is FUN and EXCITING
This “one-two punch” is the secret to getting toned and defined like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Tagged as: challenge
Successful people have this kind of brain. And I don’t. Here’s what my shitty brain needs to know about itself. Tagged as: Arcade
Is (who you think you are) getting in the way of (who you can become)? YES. IT. IS. Now read this and find out why.