Why Your Mind is Holding You Back – Stop Thinking, See Progress

Of the problems that you can encounter, your mind holds you back the most. No, it’s not your injuries. No, it’s not your equipment. No, it’s not your program. It’s not anything you want to think it is, because you don’t want to blame yourself. No one does. That’s why you pointed fingers on the playground in elementary school. That’s why you lie to people you love.

But it’s time to change that. It’s time to grow some good old fashion cojones, and say it. It’s all my fault.

I was watching a YouTube video of an athlete training for football. He was doing things that, if I were in his place, I would never do. Ladder drills, cone drills, and banded ankle resistance were among the list of taboos.


But he probably doesn’t know any better, and is probably just mimicking a college program. Maybe he even paid to have one designed for him.

He doesn’t know the blueprints. He doesn’t know that ladder drills keep your vision downward even though that never happens in the game. He doesn’t know that they are predetermined movement patterns, the opposite of what the game requires.

But even though I’m saying these things aren’t good, there’s one thing that this athlete has that you don’t. His mind isn’t holding him back. He’s not questioning the methods. He’s just going out there and performing. This lets him focus and concentrate more than you can.

I don’t want to say this, but it’s true. The more you know, the harder it is to train yourself. Details destroy you. And if you’re having doubts about your training, the best way to fix it is to stop immediately. I don’t care if you’re in the middle of something. If you’re having doubts, your gains will always be subpar.

Next, pick a proven program that will meet your goals from someone you trust. For the next six months (or however long it’s duration is), follow it blindly. Pretend God made the program and it never failed.

Don’t question anything. Just follow. There’s no, “can I substitute…” You can’t unless it blatantly allows it. If it’s written down, it’s there for a reason. If it’s not there, don’t pencil it in yourself.

It sounds good so far, so you probably have a few free programs in your mind that you’re going to check out when you’re done reading this. But I’m going to blow your mind right here. If you’ve been really confused and your workouts lack motivation, don’t settle for free content. Go buy something. I don’t care if it costs $100. In fact, I hope it does because you’re going to be more apt to follow it with heart. You’re not really paying for the program, you’re paying for mental clarity.

It’s tough creating a program for yourself. Hell, I always try to do everything at the same time. So I’ve put together some resources to help you get out of your fog. It may seem like I’m selling you out, trying to get you to buy thing. Yes, I am. But only because that’s the entire point of it. I’m not making commission, and I haven’t even seen what all of the programs entail. But I trust the people on these lists, and I’m confident that their products are effective.


My two fat loss masters are John Romaniello and Craig Ballantyne. These guys have been around for a long time, and their products – Final Phase Fat Loss and Turbulence Training – do so well there is no way to refute them. I also like Ross Enamait’s unconventional methods, so check out Full Throttle Conditioning.

There are others in the industry like Tom Venuto and Joel Marion, and tens – possibly hundreds – after these guys. But I’d be here for days if I listed them all.


Everyone has their own training product. There’s Nate Green’s Hero Workout, John Romaniello’s Superhero Workout, Jason Ferruggia’s Muscle Gaining Secrets, Kelly Baggett’s No Bull Muscle Building Program, Jim Smith’s Accelerated Muscular Development, Zach Even-Esh’s Underground Strength System, Ross Enamait’s Never Gymless and, again, I could go on.


Before I help you here, I’m going to warn you. Even though these programs are sound, picking one will make doubt seep into your mind easier because you aren’t investing anything into them.

DeFranco has WS4SB, Kelly Bagget has the Ultimate Split, Zazh Even-Esh has Freak Strength and Bodyweight Bodybuilding, and that’s only to name a few.

And, if you want, I’m always here for both free and paid consultations.


Doubt does more than damage than you think. It interferes with your focus and doesn’t allow you to fully engage in your training. Don’t let your mind hold you back anymore. Invest some time (and maybe some money if you have to) in finding something that will sustain your psyche for the next six months. Become a drone and work hard. You won’t regret it.