Dave Tate tells you to look up during a squat. Mark Rippetoe tells you to look down. Dave tells you to keep the elbows under the bar. Mark wants the elbows back. John Meadows stops incline presses early and doesn’t lock out. Jason Ferruggia uses full range of motion. Everyone has an opinion. Don’t be [...]
Dave Tate tells you to look up during a squat. Mark Rippetoe tells you to look down. Dave tells you to keep the elbows under the bar. Mark wants the elbows back. John Meadows stops incline presses early and doesn’t lock out. Jason Ferruggia uses full range of motion.
Everyone has an opinion. Don’t be a blind follower. Just because you want to look or perform like someone doesn’t mean you devoutly worship their every word.
Be an active tester. Try different things, and gravitate towards what works for you.
The reason Jason, John, Mark, and Dave can tell you their opinions is because they’ve been there. They know what their body can handle. What hurts and what doesn’t. They evolve the supposed “rules” to themselves.
Successful people aren’t the ones that get it right on the first try, they are the ones that adapt after failure.
Don’t ever tell anyone that something has to be done. There are no rules.