60SOLID is a 60-day fat-loss system for busy skinny-fat guys that want to transform their bodies without turning their lives upside down. You’ll lose at least 12 pounds or you’ll get your money back.
The workouts take less than 15 minutes to complete. They can be done in the comfort of your home. You don’t need equipment. You don’t need to go to a gym. You won’t break your back lifting a barbell. There’s no cardio.
The diet is flexible. No food group is restricted. You can eat carbs. (Praise be!) You have more freedom than you think you do. I drink more beer than a Hobbit and I have a body most dudes would kill to have. With my scary effective “lazy” dieting strategies, I can lose fat without trying.
You might be able to lose fat without trying, too.
There’s only one way to find out.
Tell me if this sounds like you:
You look thin (perhaps in shape) with clothes on, but unflattering and sloppy without clothes. Feels like you’re harboring a giant secret. As long as no one sees me shirtless, I’ll be fine.
You obsess over t-shirt fabrics because certain ones make your chest poke out like Pinnochio’s nose (I’m looking at you, polyester). As comfortable as tri-blend t-shirts are, you can’t wear them in public. They’re for bedtime. Everyone knows this.
You go to the beach (or pool parties) and think about keeping your shirt on in the water. You think it will help keep you hidden even though, deep down, you know wet t-shirts vacuum seal themselves to your skin, which makes your round mounds and soft crevices even more visible.
You feel fragile and frail. You don’t have a square-shaped jaw like The Hulk. You can wrap your hand around your opposite wrist and touch your pinky finger to your thumb.
You have omnipresent anxiety about your body. You feel like an addict. Not a day goes by without you wishing you could flip a switch and inhabit someone else’s six-pack abs.
I know a thing or two about you because I used to be you.
I used to be skinny-fat.
I was afraid of taking my shirt off in front of others. I never went to pool parties. Changing clothes for gym class gave me a panic attack. I was weak. I couldn’t do one push-up, let alone one pull-up. My genetics? Ha. To this day, I can wrap my hand around my opposite wrist and touch my pinky finger to my thumb.
And yet…
I was able to build a lean athletic x-physique.

It wasn’t easy. (Because 60SOLID didn’t exist back then.) I wasted years of my life doing what other people told me to do.
Bad idea.
Skinny-fat guys like us are… different.
We don’t play by the “regular” rules.
In 2011, I started writing about my “unorthodox” skinny-fat transformation strategies. I appeared in big-time publications, like T-Nation and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s personal website (no joke). Skinny-fat guys flocked to me because their experiences echoed mine.
They were frustrated. They were following the “regular” rules, but they weren’t getting results. In fact, they getting anti-results: They were getting fatter. They were getting injured. They didn’t understand why until I told them.
The “regular” rules were created by Skinny Joe Cool.
Skinny Joe Cool was skinny.
Skinny Joe Cool wasn’t skinny-fat.
Big difference.
Soon after, skinny-fat guys started using my somewhat “unorthodox” transformation strategies.
The results?
See for yourself.

Over time, I refined my system. I wanted to make a drop-dead simple yet elegantly effective program for skinny-fat beginners with no barriers to entry — something you can safely start tomorrow with minimal instruction and preparation.
60SOLID was born.
✔️ Lazy dieting
✔️ No gym needed
✔️ Ten-minute at-home workouts
Probably sounds too good to be true.
I can see why you’d think so.
You’ve been brainwashed into thinking transforming your body is high-stakes rocket science. You’re afraid to eat one raisin because you’ve been told fruit will make you fat.
Here’s the truth…
Dudes have been transforming their bodies since 1900. Diarrhea was one of the leading causes of death. Heroin was available over the counter and was said to “clear the complexion, give buoyancy to the mind, and regulate the stomach and bowel.” Hairdryers didn’t even exist yet.
Transforming your body is simple, not sexy. You don’t need expensive fat-burning supplements. You don’t need to eat according to your blood type. (Am I the only thirty-five-year-old father of two that doesn’t know his blood type?) You don’t need to put butter in your coffee, either. (Please don’t.)
You need to roll up your sleeves and start.
And if you start with 60SOLID, you’ll get stronger and lose at least 12 pounds in 2 months. Guaranteed. If you put in the work and you don’t get results, I’ll gladly refund your money as long as your papers are in order.
Speaking of which…
Here’s exactly what will happen after you sign up for 60SOLID:
First, you’ll get immediate access to all of the materials associated with the 60SOLID so you can get started today.
This includes the diet and the training program. Both are short, sweet, and punchy. Like Fruit Stripe gum. There’s no fluff. This isn’t a fifty-five-hour masterclass with dozens of videos. 60SOLID was built for speed so you can start your transformation ASAP.
These materials are housed on a private portion of my website. Directly after you join, you’ll create a username and password for this secret sector and you’ll be able to access the materials immediately and from any device.
Second, you’ll get enrolled in a bonus email course about my 3-phase skinny-fat transformation system so you’ll deepen your understanding of the problem you’re trying to solve.
It’s difficult to solve a problem you don’t understand. Mechanics need to understand how cars work. You need to understand your body works. This is why many people fail: Their understanding of how their bodies work is medieval (at best).
I’ll send you daily emails as you work through 60SOLID, to give you a deeper understanding of how to work through this physical transformation. Think of these emails as your own personal coach and teacher.
Within these emails, I’ll also show you how to properly document your progress for refund eligibility. Keep in mind, you will be asked to (a) take pictures of your body composition, (b) take pictures of your meals, and (c) record some of your workouts. Submitting proof in a timely manner is required to maintain refund eligibility.
Third, you’ll lose fat without uprooting your entire life because the workouts are time-friendly and the diet isn’t a prison.
You have nothing to lose.
(Except your love handles.)
I’ll see you on the other side.