habanero, kefir; cottage cheese, canned green beans; half meatball sub, two egg yolks; pizza with honey and guacamole for crusts; fat-free yogurt, raw honey, apple, walnuts
my current split is anything but “set,” but my general goal is to not miss two training days in a row. that happened today for a variety of reasons, the biggest being we were informed of a miscarriage.
habanero, raw milk; six eggs, pizza slice; roast, pasta with cheese, fries; more pasta and another pizza slice; french toast with syrup and raw milk
shoulder was tender from training a few days ago. didn’t want to push myself on overhead stuff. i’m pretty sure i tore my labrum back in 2019 and that’s still what bothers me.
after the liftoffs, shoulder feltΒ real good though. haven’t done them in a while. will have to keep experimenting.
raw liver shake; sardines, egg yolk, salsa, carrots
roast, eggs, raw cheese; banana, peanut butter, raw milk
had to rush my dad to the hospital today… well, tried to. had to call the ambulance. made for a hectic day, traveling back and forth to hospital. rushed dinner.
a few brisket nachos (not pictured); two burgers, two slices of pizza, bacon, raw cheese; apple skin, banana, fat-free yogurt; cinnamon pretzel, raw milk
took the kids to an amusement park today. didn’t eat anything there save for a few nachos. came home and ate whatever was around. i am the clean-up man. i eat things my kids don’t, like apple skins. i save them and bake them in the oven. i also eat a lot of egg yolks from their hard-boiled eggs.
training todayΒ happened, but i ran through the mobilizations much quicker than normal. second son took a short nap, so i had almost no time.
wife and i decided to take the trolley downtown today with the kids. met some friends. more beers. more restaurant food. i ate again when i came home because i am awesomely unwell.
the past few days, i’ve finished eating at like 10pm, which is awful. i hate eating that late. with the kids, sometimes it’s unavoidable. today, it was just gluttony.
burritos, nacho chips, and a bunch of carbohydrates
had to watch the kids all day today by myself. no free time. went to a brewery afterward. got food from a place by the brewery. it was tasty, but it was practically all carbs. rice, beans, potatoes. meat was sparse. i ateΒ a lot more than what’s pictured.Β i am fat.
burger with cheese, ribs, mac and cheese; baked apples, whipped cream, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, raw milk
this week sucks. wife and kids were out of town. way off the routine. my son got bit by a dog today. ended up in hospital. luckily, it wasn’t bad. confrontation with neighbors. beers (not pictured) ensued.
cabbage, onions, chicken breast, cottage cheese; ribs with bbq sauce; pasta with mozzarella cheese, leftover mac and cheese; ice cream cake
finishing leftover birthday and holiday foods. pasta was random. had a giant ball of fresh mozzarella starting to smell like crevices between a basketball player’s toes. i hate wasting food.
forced myself to train today. wasn’t going to. still not feeling myself. tired. did anyways. the pull-ups and overheads were done with mobility in mind more than “up-and-down” strength. focusing on holding the positions and making sure my left shoulder feels great at all times.
cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, chicken breast, bacon caked in syrup and sugar, cottage cheese; ribs with bbq sauce; baked apples with ice cream; two dates, raw milk
coming off three days of drinking. the most hungover i’ve felt in a looonnnnnggggg time. managed to drag myself to softball. i did not play well, but it helped rattle my brain awake (somewhat). will probably be tired and sluggish again tomorrow.
cabbage, bbq pork, chicken breast, guacamole, cheddar; banana with yogurt stuff; a few cookies, skim milk
we pick up our groceries at the store after ordering them online. we got someone else’s order and they told us to keep all the perishables. we have some fairlife skim and 2% milk to chew through.
more leftovers from picnic.
will give more info about my liver shake and recent obsession with raw dairy in a blog post.