my usual coffee spot is closed for two weeks. forgot. made french press coffee. haven’t done that in a while. i used to make coffee every morning. at first, it was the chemex. got myself a coffee grinder. pretended the coffee was better than it was to justify the expense of the chemex and how much time it took to pour water over the grounds every morning.

moved to a french press and didn’t look back. much easier. did the french press thing for YEARS. at least five. probably more.

earlier this year, i started going to legit coffee shops for my coffee. started as a one-day treat. like, every Friday i’d swing by after i dropped my son off at daycare. snowballed into an everyday thing. don’t plan on returning to the french press anytime soon.

one of the fitness professionals i trust posted about the link between coffee and health. he cited a study and concluded you should filter coffee, to eliminate the sediment. i can’t remember why. i also can’t find the post.

today was an upper-body day. felt good to get back to training.

played around with a new upper-body mobilization yesterday: on the ground, face the sky, light dumbbell in hand (2.5 pounds)… lift the dumbbell overhead with a straight arm as far as you comfortably can. seems to help open up my overhead range of motion. other mobilizations included: weighted sleeper (left), external rotation liftoffs w/ overhead reach, upper and lower sleepers, and a few others…

started with the usual overheads at 95 pounds and pull-ups, both for 5 reps. overheads felt the best they have since i started doing them, but still not perfect. ring support holds for 10 seconds and 3×3@95 “power cleans.” 3×6@185 barbell rows superset with 3×10@95 landmine presses. after, i did something dumb: i experimented with the guillotine press.

the guillotine press is death if you don’t have good shoulder mobility. i wanted to try it out. used the empty bar. no sharp or stabby pains, but i wasn’t totally comfortable. i’ll keep experimenting.

bridge rows @25 and pushups @CHAIN, using the 10-5-F protocol. can’t say i pushed myself as hard as i could here.

lunch was a raw liver shake and raw yogurt with dark chocolate and walnuts. dinner was cabbage, cottage cheese, burgers, french fries; dessert was cranberry walnut bread, zucchini bread, and a banana topped with peanut butter and cashews, washed down with raw milk.