china out here conducting military drills and I’m supposed to care about how deep the grooves are between my abdominal muscles? THERE ARE PFAs IN RAINWATER AND I’M SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT HOW STRONG MY HIP FLEXORS ARE? is any of this going to make a difference? my entire childhood was a steady diet of [...]
china out here conducting military drills and I’m supposed to care about how deep the grooves are between my abdominal muscles? THERE ARE PFAs IN RAINWATER AND I’M SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT HOW STRONG MY HIP FLEXORS ARE?
is any of this going to make a difference? my entire childhood was a steady diet of PFAs. had to be. is eating raw liver going to save me?
strolled up to the window and got two ice creams. i don’t plan on sharing with anyone, that’s how optimistic i am. fortunately, my body dysmorphia prevented me from eating the second ice cream. more on this later.
lunch was a raw liver shake plus ground beef and assorted plant matter topped with raw cheddar.
i normally eat lean proteins for lunch. past two days, i ate ground beef for lunch. difference in satiety is ASTOUNDING. normally, around 5-6pm, i’m ready to eat. i’m not famished or anything, but my stomach flips the sign to open for biz. not the past two days. felt fully content at that time of day, like i just finished a meal ten minutes ago.
dinner was cabbage topped with a white bean and chicken mixture flanked by three hamburgers. (white beans and chicken were a part of some kind of soup my wife made long ago, but not long enough for my anti-food-waste brain. the soup had some kind of cream sauce, but I dumped most of that down the sink because i didn’t want to drink 1000 calories of heavy cream.)
felt full after dinner. ate chocolate ice cream anyway. don’t know why i got chocolate ice cream. i don’t like chocolate ice cream. i like vanilla ice cream. chocolate is a welcome addition to vanilla ice cream, but it can’t be the base.
(it was delicious.)
totally content after, yet i wanted to eat the second ice cream i bought. put the kids to bed and, after one too many back-and-forths with the ice-cream devil on my shoulder, i ate a well-done habanero and drank some raw milk. that kicked my ice-cream craving.
funny how i was the most full and satisfied i felt after dinner in a while, and i struggled with wanting to eat, eat, eat… this is congruent with my binge-eating days. easier to stop eating early. instinct is to eat until you feel full, but it doesn’t happen.
today was a misfit day, which is to say: i trained stuff i’m interested in, but don’t have time to train on my other training days.
did CARs in the morning. afternoon hit j-curls and reverse crunches. three sets. two sets of side crunches. three sets of reverse squats and bridge push-ups. two sets of tib raises (after static stretching). some calf raises. forgot to do knees-over-toes calf raises. finished with hip flexor stretch.
hamstring improving nicely. definitely felt a pull on the j-curls, but it opened up nicely as the reps (and blood flow) increased.