felt bad about “missing” a training day. have softball all weekend, so i know i won’t lift. made up for the miss by doing two sessions today. my old rule, back before i had kids, was never miss a training day. even if you miss a training day, make up for it. this was when i had a steady weekly rotation. in other words, every Monday was “Day A.” every Wednesday was “Day B”…

my training split is a little wonky now, as there is no set weekly rotation, so i don’t really stick to this rule, but i strive to train at least five days per week. (when you consider the misfit day in my rotation, this is less than impressive.)

first session today was the usual misfit stuff, done with a little less volume, to compensate for time. hit j-curls pretty hard. really trying to expand my range of motion, stretch the hammies. they’ve been feeling good. glad i’m doing them. superset them with reverse crunches. side crunches. reverse squats and bridge push-ups. bridge push-ups felt AMAZING today. felt “open” from the very first rep. no explanation as to why. (maybe the weighted sleeper mobilization i did yesterday?)

hit legs after. 3×8@95 on good mornings, which is light. know this weekend is going to be a bit much with sprinting (running the bases, playing outfield). also, will be drinking plenty of beers, and i won’t eat nearly enough nourishing foods. remainder of workout was typical. modified knees-over-toes lunges. 3×3@270 wide-grip low pulls.

lunch was two cans of tuna. raw yogurt with apple skins, a banana, dark chocolate, and walnuts. dinner was cabbage, a burger, some fries, and cottage cheese. late-night snack was a liver shake, habanero, chicken breast, and ice cream.

making a push to get some nutrients in me.

been eating three times per day recently, thanks to taking the kids to get ice cream more often than we should. we usually take them after dinner, and i’ve been eating a smaller dinner in case the urge to devour ice cream takes over me.

it’s not ideal. i don’t like eating late. sometimes, with kids, eating late is unavoidable. many times, it’s just me wanting to enjoy my food… or choosing to drink beer instead. regardless, i’m not too worried about it. ice cream will stop when it gets cold. just trying to enjoy the look on my kids’ face when we get there.