Morning 3-D ROTATIONS. Lazily done lower-body mobilizations for today included COUCH STRETCH, 90/90s, ISO LUNGE PULSES, PETERSEN STEP-UPS, UNI GOOD MORNINGS, HOVER STEP-UPS, and SISSY SQUATS. (Sissy squats are primitive. Tiny range of motion.) GOOD MORNINGS for 3×10@125 superset with 3×8@BW KOT MODIFIED LUNGE. Was supposed to do good mornings with 130, but after the [...]
Morning 3-D ROTATIONS. Lazily done lower-body mobilizations for today included COUCH STRETCH, 90/90s, ISO LUNGE PULSES, PETERSEN STEP-UPS, UNI GOOD MORNINGS, HOVER STEP-UPS, and SISSY SQUATS. (Sissy squats are primitive. Tiny range of motion.)
GOOD MORNINGS for 3×10@125 superset with 3×8@BW KOT MODIFIED LUNGE. Was supposed to do good mornings with 130, but after the weekend, I thought it’d be best to repeat the previous week’s weight. Finished with easy WIDE-GRIP HIGH PULLS for 3×3@265.
LUNCH was raw yogurt, dark chocolate, walnuts, and a banana.
DINNER was plants and cottage cheese, and pork chops.
SNACK was cheese, egg yolk (kid ate the white), yogurt with walnuts, bread with honey toppings and jelly, scoop of peanut butter, and raw milk.