Bread & Butter
This is the linear progression program I wish I had when I was getting started. It’s a mod of the ever-popular Starting Strength program.
I adjusted the exercise bill slightly to encourage more comprehensive muscular development. I also adjusted the base rate of progress knowing you probably aren’t eating to facilitate maximum possible recovery between training sessions.
LPP #1: The nuts and bolts of the program.
Phase 1 of the program. The two sessions. Set and rep notations. Work sets and warm-up sets. Exercise demos. Tempo. Finding starting weights. Progression schemes.
LPP #2: Why linear progression works (until it doesn’t).
Juggling stress, recovery, adaptation. Being a Level 1 noob. Consequences of Leveling Up. Stalling and failing to complete a scheduled workload. Importance of load potential.
LPP #3: What to do after your linear progression stalls.
Repeating workloads after stalling. Deloading. Stalling again. Phase 2 of the program. Progression precedents. Adding less weight to the bar every session. Adding complementary exercises to the program. Worthwhile complementary exercises. Phase 2 sample program.
LPP #4: Questions & Answers
More exercises? More reps? Dumbbells instead of barbells? Starting weight too heavy? Abs? Forearms? Fat loss? Alternative exercises? GOMAD? THE GET JACKED SAMPLE PROGRAM.