Two Meal Muscle
I eat two meals per day. Lunch and dinner. (Sometimes I skip lunch and only eat dinner.) I don’t eat breakfast. I drink coffee in the morning and the early afternoon. I “backload” my calorie intake. This gives me the freedom to eat a somewhat unhinged dinner a few days per week.
Ultimately, the freedom I have depends on my objective. Two Meal Muscle is objective apathetic. It can be used for fat loss or muscle growth, but learning the ins and outs of fat loss comes first.
TMM #1: This unorthodox fat-loss method is the heartbeat of Two Meal Muscle.
Feed less than need. Average daily calorie needs. Creating a calorie deficit. Calculating a conservative deficit. Macronutrients. Lean proteins, chubby proteins, purgatory proteins. Fiber, starchy-sugary carbs, non-starchy carbs. Fat loss cheat code: eat more lean proteins 🥩 and non-starchy carbs 🥦, eat less energy ⚡.
TMM #2: Why I eat two meals per day (even though it doesn’t matter).
Two meals. No breakfast. Morning coffee. Small lunch. Backloading. Big dinner. Ludicrous fat loss? HE’S GONE PLAID!
TMM #3: This is my high tide and low tide clean-bulking strategy.
Rules of muscle growth. Meticulous method and finding a perfect calorie intake. Classic method and eating more than enough. Being “solid.”
TMM #4: Question & Answers about Two Meal Muscle.
Condensed explanation of TMM. Indulgences. Drinking alcohol. Intermittent fasting. Beginner fasting tips. Pictures of my meals.