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XXIII. The 8 Essential Exercises For the X Physique
XXII. Stimulating to the Solid Base (and a Recap On the “Should I Bulk or Cut?” Quagmire)
XXI. The Sticky Stimulation Situation of Skinny-Fat Syndrome
XX. Mirror Mirror On the Wall, What’s the Greatest “S” Of All?
XIX. Rewiring the Flinch: Calories, Genetics, and The 4 S’s
XVIII. The Skinny-Fat Flinch
XVII. Skinny-Fat Sparta: Let the Fear Bleed Out
XVI. The ONE Thing That Creates a Skinny-Fat Body
XV. Skinny-Fat Ain’t Skinny
XIV. What Makes Skinny-Fat Unique?
XIII. Is Skinny-Fat Genetic? Is There Hope For Change?
XII. What is Skinny-Fat Syndrome? Or a Skinny-Fat Ectomorph?
XI. Do You Have Girl Boobs?
X. Introduction to the Skinny-Fat Saga
IX. Sight Beyond Sight
How to build a garage gym that would make Vegeta jealous.
VII. What Six Pack Abs REALLY Means (To Me, At Least)
VI. Finite and Infinite Games
V. The Saga Theory
IV. The Backyard / Goonie Mindset
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