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How eating less made these people fat (and other lessons gleaned from starving a fetus)
Why your body is making you weak, immobile, and fat…on purpose
Your genetics are junk
I have a secret
The most important stuff I’ve learned in the past 15 years – an introduction
Juggling goals: losing fat, building muscle, bettering bodyweight skills, becoming athletic
A small (but effective) cheat code to help you become motivated
Thoughts on sets, repetitions, volume, and building muscle
My grandma, $2 bills, and calories
How is everyone driving a car?
“Fuck you” capacity
On willpower and maggots
Narcissim of a different color
How I juggle training with work and girls and other passions
The Promethean v. the Epimethean
Focus on the phenomenon, not the phenomenology
The Airing of Grievances comes before the Feats of Strength
First vegetarian student, 20 week progress pictures
Stop doing repetitions
Building a Jedi Mind to use Force Gains
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