If you’re tired of living inside of your FUBAR skinny-fat body, then you need to do two things:
- Lose fat
- Build muscle
You should focus on fat loss first. For many reasons, most of which are covered in my free email crash course, Skinny-Fat Secrets.
Common fat loss wisdom thrown around the Internet: if you want to lose fat, you have to eat less and move more.
Unfortunately, “eat less and move more” is single ply advice best reserved for toothless hillbillies.
When I was sixteen, my fat loss strategy was to poop early and often. How else did the fat globules exit your body?
“Eat less and move more” isn’t as bad as “shit your brains out,” but that’s not saying much.
The idea of “eating less” is vague. Especially considering there’s a certain type of food that will help you retain (or perhaps grow) muscle, when you’re trying to lose fat.
The idea of “moving more” is also vague, for the same reason. There’s a certain type of moving that will help you retain (or perhaps grow) muscle, when you’re trying to lose fat.
Resistance training.
You should file “eat less and move more” alongside juice cleanses, starvation diets, and bulletproof coffee.
If you wanna do fat loss right, without damaging your metabolism and without melting your muscle mas, then you need Solid Base Shortcuts.
“Solid base” is a term I coined long ago. It represents the “ideal” body fat percentage — the body fat percentage skinny-fat dudes should strive to achieve.
Solid Base Shortcuts shows you…
How to calculate how much food you should eat. On one hand, you can’t eat too much, else you won’t lose fat. On the other hand, you don’t want to eat too little, else you’ll flirt with metabolic mayhem.
How to divide “how much” across the macronutrients. Food is more than energy. Food is also nutrients. Different nutrients do different things inside of you.
To be honest, though…
The above two things are snooze worthy. The spreadsheet inside of Solid Base Shortcuts does those two things for you in less than one second.
The difficult part is transforming calories and macronutrients into specific foods. Most people IGNORE this, hence Peanut Butter Syndrome.
Legions of people eat peanut butter, thinking peanut butter is a reliable source of protein.
Solid Base Shortcuts helps you transform calories and macronutrients into a tangible quantity of real food, so you won’t get infected with Peanut Butter Syndrome. Nor will you get infected with “stubborn fat” propaganda.
Here’s the truth:
Stubborn fat is a myth. People use the label “stubborn fat” to sell supplements. (If someone sells their own bran of supplements, they are probably a sellout.)
“Stubborn fat” is synonymous with “stalled progress.” Your fat loss progress probably will stall. Stalled progress is more normal than millennial anxiety.
You have to be VERY CAREFUL with how you handle stalled progress. Starving yourself and doing high intensity interval training ISN’T the answer.
In order to survive stalled progress, you have to create systems, facilitate feedback, and track your progress
All of this is covered within Solid Base Shortcuts, which is a digital course you can access by punching the pretty lookin’ button below.
After purchase, you will be directed to hidden portion of my website (the Lab). Once you register for the Lab, you’ll have digital access to Solid Base Shortcuts.
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