Frequently Asked Questions

✳ What is this place?

A website. Welcome to the internet.

✳ Who are you?

I am Anthony.

✳ Why did you disappear from the Internet?

I am a prisoner of my own mind.

✳ Are you officially back?

I’m a health and physical education teacher now. I’m here because I want to be, not because I need to be.

● Are you the “skinny-fat” guy?

Before I disappeared, I spoke often of my skinny-fat past, and I helped a handful of other skinny-fat guys lose fat, build muscle, and build the sort of body they were proud showcase (without a shirt) on social media.

● Can you do a backflip?

My friends and I taught ourselves how to do backflips and other assorted acrobatics in our backyards when we were in high school. I stopped practicing when I hurt my shoulder.

● What happened to your shoulder?

My friend was held at gunpoint one night. Afterward, to help him decompress, we convinced him to do donuts in a side-by-side. I was in the passenger seat. I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. He rolled the side-by-side. I tore one of the ligaments holding my collar bone to my shoulder blade.

● Were you the guy that deadlifted 550 pounds, dunked a basketball, and cosplayed as Goku at Camp Nerd Fitness.

Yes. Yes. And yes.

● Are you natty or not?

I take Cut Rate Drugs.